Job interview logic test: Discover how to prepare successfully

Are you looking for a job? Yes that's how it is, It is likely that you will face a logic test in one of the job interviews you attend. These tests are increasingly common in selection processes and are used by companies to evaluate reasoning ability., problem solving and analytical thinking skills of candidates. In this article, We will provide you with useful information and advice to prepare effectively and be successful in logic tests in job interviews..

  1. What are logic tests in job interviews??
  2. Common types of logic tests in job interviews
  3. Why are logic tests important in interviews??
  4. How to prepare for logic tests in job interviews
  5. During the Interview
  6. Common mistakes to avoid
  7. Useful resources and tools
  8. Conclusion
    1. Related questions:
    2. Answers:

What are logic tests in job interviews??

Logic tests are tests that are carried out during job interviews to evaluate analytical thinking skills., reasoning and problem solving. These tests may include verbal and numerical reasoning exercises, logical puzzles, logical sequences, among others. They are used to evaluate a candidate's ability to analyze information, Identify patterns and reach logical conclusions quickly and efficiently.

Common types of logic tests in job interviews

There are different types of logic tests that are usually used in job interviews.. Some of the most common are:

  • Verbal reasoning: These tests evaluate the candidate's ability to understand, analyze and reason with written information.
  • Numerical reasoning: These tests evaluate the candidate's ability to work with numbers., perform calculations and solve mathematical problems.
  • Logical puzzles: These tests consist of problems that require logical reasoning to be solved., how to find the next number in a sequence, complete a series of figures, etc.
  • Logical sequences: These tests evaluate the candidate's ability to identify patterns and logical sequences in series of numbers., letters or figures.

Why are logic tests important in interviews??

Logic tests are important in job interviews because they allow companies to evaluate a series of key skills in candidates.. These skills include:

  • Logic reasoning: The ability to analyze information and reach logical conclusions.
  • Problem resolution: The ability to identify and address problems effectively.
  • Analytical thinking: The ability to understand, organize and evaluate information critically.
  • Mental agility: The ability to process information quickly and make sound decisions in pressure situations.

Performance on logic tests can be a determining factor in the final hiring decision, as companies look for candidates who demonstrate strong skills in these areas.

How to prepare for logic tests in job interviews

Properly preparing for logic tests can make the difference between being successful or not in job interviews.. Here we offer you some tips and strategies to prepare effectively:

  1. Know the type of test you are likely to face: Research the company and the position you are applying for, and find out what type of logic test they usually use in their selection processes. This will help you focus your preparation more specifically..
  2. Practice logic exercises: Look for logic exercises online or in specialized books and practice regularly. This will help you become familiar with the types of questions and improve your reasoning skills..
  3. Study examples: Look for examples of logic tests and study how they are solved. This will help you understand the thought processes behind correct answers and identify common patterns..
  4. Note the time: Logic tests usually have a time limit, so it is important to practice under pressure. Learn to manage your time efficiently and practice solving the exercises in the allotted time.
  5. Don't forget basic logic: Make sure you have a solid understanding of basic logic concepts, like denial, the conjunction, the disjunction, etc. These concepts are fundamental to correctly solve logic exercises.

During the Interview

Once the time comes to face the logic tests during the interview, keep the following tips in mind:

  • keep calm: It's normal to feel a little nervous, but try to stay calm and focus on the questions. Anxiety can negatively affect your performance, so take a deep breath and trust your abilities.
  • Read the instructions carefully: It is important to read the exercise instructions carefully to make sure you understand what is being asked of you.. Be sure to pay close attention to specific details and restrictions.
  • Take notes if necessary: If there are key information or patterns that you need to take into account, Do not hesitate to make notes to help you solve the exercises.
  • If you get stuck, go to the next: If you come across an exercise that you cannot solve in a short period of time, don't stop at it. Leave that exercise for later and continue with the next ones. You will return to it if you have time at the end.

Common mistakes to avoid

When facing logic tests in interviews, It is important to avoid the following common mistakes:

  • Not reading the questions carefully: Reading hastily or skipping important details can lead to incorrect answers.. Take your time to read and fully understand each question.
  • Not managing time well: Logic tests usually have a time limit, so it is important to manage your time efficiently. Don't get stuck on a single exercise and make sure you leave enough time to solve all the questions.
  • Not practicing enough: Preparation is key to success in logic tests. Don't underestimate the importance of practicing regularly and familiarizing yourself with the different types of questions.

Useful resources and tools

If you are looking for additional resources and tools to prepare for logic tests in job interviews, Here we offer you some recommendations:

  • Books specialized in logic tests and logical reasoning.
  • Web pages and mobile applications with free logic exercises and tests.
  • Online or in-person courses on logic and reasoning.
  • Find examples of logic tests online, along with their solutions, to practice and improve your skills.


Logic tests in job interviews are increasingly common, and preparing properly for them can make a difference in your job search.. Remember that these tests evaluate key skills such as logical reasoning, problem solving and analytical thinking. Follow the tips and strategies mentioned in this article to prepare effectively and increase your chances of success in job interviews..

Related questions:

1. What are the most common reasoning topics in logic tests in job interviews??

2. What kind of logic exercises can I practice to prepare for job interviews??

3. How can I improve my speed in solving logical problems?


1. The most common reasoning topics in job interview logic tests include verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, logical puzzles and logical sequences.

2. You can practice logic exercises like puzzles, number sequences, verbal reasoning problems, among others. You can also search online resources or specialized books to find additional exercises.

3. To improve your speed in solving logical problems, it is important to practice regularly. Familiarize yourself with the different types of questions and develop strategies to solve them more efficiently. You can also practice your mental agility and your ability to concentrate through games and memory exercises..

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